About Us
Made in the USA
About Us
As kids, we built Hot Wheels tracks to our liking supported by couch cushions, cardboard bricks, and Mom’s appliances. But when we were building tracks with our kids, we thought, “There has to be a better way!” We wanted to create customizable pieces that allow the support and flexibility of our tracks. We created Trackipede and started building the tracks of our—erm, our kids’—dreams.
Trackipede is built to bring out your child’s inventive side and to take their imagination to a whole new level. Just connect it to your existing Hot Wheels tracks to make them more sturdy and imaginative.
Building and Creating
build the track
And while using them, your child will actively engage the core concepts of a STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and math). The best way for a child to learn is by not knowing they are learning at all - just having an amazing time.
With Trackipede, the sky’s the limit for building, creating, and taking playtime to a whole new level for kiddos & parents alike.